2023 - Summer ONLINE - Creativity UnLeashed -The Artist's Way (Tapping into the Source of your Creative Nature) 10 - 3 hour group sessions and 1 private coaching session When: Wednesday July July18 - September 19th Times: Morning Series: 11 AM - 2 PM - PT Tuition: $1500 (Simple Art Supply list will be provided closer to start date). If preferred 3 monthly payments are excepted. Please email playfulartstudio@gmail.,comfor more information. Click this link more information on this program and to register https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/k8mcM2J
Bust Thru The Critical Mind - Out-Of-The-Box Creative Coaching Techniques
Women's Introductory Bodywriting; One Day Retreat of Pastel Body Printing- One Session Create a beautiful, ethereal print of your body with pastels on rice paper.This is a one-day introduction to the six-day Bodywriting Retreat for Women, established in 1994 by artist/expressive arts therapist Pamela Underwood. This one-day session includes an overview of the full course, guided body movement meditation,guided body printing on rice paper with vibrant ground pastels, journal writing, and guided poetry. Nudity is optional!
Special Playful Art Studio Introductory Event - Awaken Your Creative Fire (one session) When: Thursday, September 8th Times: Morning Series: 11am–2pm or Evening Series: 7pm–10pm Tuition: $69 (includes all art materials) *This special rate and workshop is only open for those who are NEW to Playful Art Studio.
Ignite your spirit and fire up your creative expression with this dynamic Expressive Art workshop. Each evening will be an adventure into exploring YOU thru a variety of art making activities, including intuitive painting, collage, sound, movement, and poetry. Expressive Art is spontaneous art. Using the principle of synchronicity, spontaneous creation tells you exactly what you need to know for your growth in the moment. Creation without pre-planning provides a safe container to go beyond the inner critics voice and opens to the freedom of creative possibilities.
There is value in attending this session more than once, as you deepen your experience and tap into your creativity.
TUITION: $120 per session, or $395 for a package of four sessions (includes all art materials)
Paint Your Prayers Retreat Day1-day Retreat When: Saturday, December 2nd Times: 10:30am - 5:00pm Tuition: $295 (includes all art materials)
IBreak Free - Rid yourSelf of your Critical mind and let your Creativity Soar Introductory workshop Co-Facilitated with Michelle Aurther-Cown When: Saturday, January 30th Times: 10am - 2pm Tuition: $195 per session (All Art Materials included)